当你在寻找一辆二手车的时候, 你不仅想买最好的车, 但是找到最好的二手车贷款是你优先考虑的事情.
你的贷款很重要是有原因的. 获得合适的贷款,你的条件将是有利的. 你会支付更少的利息,你的还款过程也会更好. 然而, 如果你选择一个愿意给你不利贷款的贷款人, you’ll likely pay much more over the length of your loan due to terms that aren’t suitable.
幸运的是,找到最好的二手车贷款比你想象的要容易. 你甚至可以在舒适的家中开始这个过程.
1. 制定预算
第一步是决定你能负担多少. You want to do this before looking for a loan because your pre-approval might tell you that you qualify for more than you can comfortably pay.
看看你的收入, 还有家庭和个人开支, 看看你每个月能付多少钱买新车. 也, determine how much money you have for a downpayment at the time you apply for your loan. 最后,考虑一下你想要多长时间偿还贷款.
一旦你记住了所有这些信息, 考虑一下你想要购买的汽车类型. 那辆车在你的预算之内吗? You can use an online calculator to get an idea of how much your monthly loan amount would be based on the down payment, 利率, 车辆成本是你输入的.
当您完成这些步骤时, you’re setting yourself up for a more affordable and financially comfortable used car loan experience.
2. 研究贷款术语
现在你对你能负担得起的贷款有了一个概念, 而不是专注于你有资格做什么, 是时候研究一下贷款术语了. The words you’ll hear most often are the 利率, loan term, and fees.
Your annual percentage rate (APR) is how much you pay each year to take out your loan, 这通常表示为百分比(例如. 2.4月99%).
This amount can considerably impact how much you pay for your loan each month and over your loan term. You want to find the lowest 利率 you can, so you can keep your used car loan costs low.
你的贷款期限是你必须偿还贷款的时间长度. 这很大程度上取决于你的车龄, 你的网赌最好最大平台, 你的信用, 还有其他因素. 通常情况下,你会发现还款期限从1-8年不等.
有一件重要的事情要记住,你的贷款期限越长, 你每个月付的钱就越少, 但你付的利息就越多. 贷款期限越短,情况就越糟. So, it’s vital that you look not only at your monthly payment but also how much you’ll pay over the life of your loan.
The term “fees” is very broad but can encompass any additional money you’re responsible for paying associated with purchasing your used vehicle. 这些费用可能包括你的贷款发起费, 标题的费用, 注册费, 经销商的费用, 等.
3. 研究一下你的二手车贷款选择
Now that you have an idea of how much you can afford and the loan lingo to keep in mind, 你想研究一下你的二手车贷款选择.
Your lender choices can vary from banks to credit unions to online-only lenders. 当你提前研究你的贷款选择, 它可以节省你的时间, so you’re only applying with the best lenders for your financial state and needs.
也, researching helps to prepare you for what to expect concerning essential parts of the used car loan process, 比如你的利率和其他贷款条款.
4. 获得预批准
如果你想要最好的二手车贷款,你需要得到一个预先批准. Once you’ve researched your auto loan options and compared the 利率s and other terms they offer, 您需要选择几个应用程序. 一定要在短时间内完成. If you do this within 45 days or so, you’ll only get one hard hit on 你的信用.
获得预先批准, 你在网上申请, 向贷款人提供您的个人和财务信息. Your lender will then let you know whether you’re pre-approved and the terms you qualify for. You’ll know your maximum loan amount, 利率, monthly payment, 等. Compare loan offers and select the best used auto loan out of those choices.
现在有了预先批准, you can go to your dealership with the knowledge of how much you can afford realistically and how much the bank is willing to loan you. This allows you to focus on finding the right vehicle at the best rate since you’ve already secured the best used auto loan.
如果你想买一辆二手车, then you want to be sure you’re getting the best used auto loan for your needs.
Making an informed decision is the smartest way to select the right loan for you. Be sure to follow the steps outlined above because doing proper research and comparing your options can make all the difference in the loan you obtain.
Whether you’re ready to get your used vehicle in the next week or the next few months, we invite you to discover used auto loan options from Arbor Financial Credit Union.